dalail ul Khayrat, dalail al Khayrat, qasidah burda

My Personal Advise (Nasiha)- Blessing for dead & Living :-

Khatam Shareef & Ghawth al Azim’s Help & Dua's for protection

The method I use below listed is an abridged one, send it to all the Shaykhs. a Khatam is perform on Thursday night because, the Souls are sent
from Heavens to earth. To see there living relatives.

A simple Khatam shareef is to do the followings steps:-
1) Firstly salawat ala rasul-called Durood Shareef in urdu
2) 4 Quls ( Ikhlas 3 times) Surah  Kafirun, Falaq, Ikhlass and Naas
3) Fatiha followed by Baraqah Verses 1-5
4) lastly salawat ala rasul- called Durood Shareef in urdu

The above 4 points are just the basics one can also read Ya-sin, Salawat ala rasul-Durood Shareef, 100s or 1000s and  la-e-laha ill-lillah as gift thawabs the more you given the more happier  the Shaykhs will be in responding to you as well.

After reading perform do as below
Ya Allah, send this thawab to:-Sayyiduna Rasulillah(sallal-laahu-wa-sallam) and all Anbiya,
Khailafa Rashidun, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Hadhrat Ali karma wala wajhu.
To Imam Hasan wa Hussain, fatima Zahrah,  Ahl-bayt, Ashr-mubushr,
 Ya Sahaba Ikraam. Ta’ibeen, Tab’ Ta’ibeen Shaheed, Saliheen, Awliya.
To Shaykh Abdal-Qadir Jilani, shaykh Abu Madyan ghawth, Shaykh Abul Hasan Shadhili,  
To Shaykh Hajj Muhammad Noshah Ganj Baksh
Qutb, Arif billah Sidi Hamza Qadiri Boudshishi

 For the sake of the Shaykhs and pious ones help me with my needs, your Dua….O Allah for their Sake I send this Khatam upon them and my relatives. Help me for the sake of all there ibadaat, Ya Allah open my desires, my wises and hopes, and close  all evil and pains in my life, and make easy my life and answers my prays by the secret of this noble khatam shareef, finally send Surah al-faitha  on them.  

this is the best manner of asking any thing  from Allah and this Pious Saints, for they will be asking dua on your behalf if you practice this method insha'allah.

Ghawth al Azim’s Help

Send all your Ibaadah thawab:-

First and always read Durood Shareef ( Salawat ala Rasul ) 3 or 11 times, then read some dhikr, like s
urah al-fatiha 100 times,  or Ya-sin, Surah Ikhlas 100 times or 3 times. One msut read some Dhikr and then send the reward I recommend much salawat ala rasul- durood shareef. Something in the range of 100 to 1000s, if your reading Salawat ala faith then 11 to 40 times or 100 times would do as its very powerful and then say

Link to Salawat al-Fatih (Durood Fatih)

I send all my Dhikr and Ibadaat to the Noble Prophet Peace be upon him, 4 Khalifahs all Sahaba, Ta'been wa Tab-ta'been and Sayyid Abdal-Qadir Jilani and the 40 Abduls and the Qubt of his Zamana
Allahumma Ya Allah for all there Sake and all for their Ibadaat i plea for a Wali-Murshid to Guide me to you.

And for my Duas to be answers

Yaa Rasulallah al-madad bi Idh-nillah    pronounce it like -(bi-iz-nillah)
Ya Gawth al Azam al-Maddat  bi-iz-nillah ( by the persimission of Allah)
Ya Sayyid Abdal-Qadir Jilani Aa-ghis-sa-nee  bi-iz-nillah
Ya Sayyid Abdal-Qadir Jilani   I plea for your help, make me one of you Murids, or what every   Dua you have or problem as here …. 

Then say
Allahu Ya Mujeebu Ya Mujeebu, Ya Mujeebu –He Allah O responder End always Durood Shareef ( Salawat ala Rasul ) 3 or 11 timesIts something I’ve just made up, it’s within the guide lines of Adaab of asking for Help.Dua's for protectionIts enough to Read Ayatul-Kuris, and the last 3 Quls 3 times each, from All Evil.
This is Best done in the Morning and evening. Before you leave your house.

If you do this in the Evening in Bed i.e. 3 Quls and Ayatul-Kuris an Angel will be guarding you when you sleep and make sure you Blow over your self. Because Shaykh will blow three knots so you sleep more long. And by blowing over yourself your protecting yourself Jinn and men knots of spells in the unseen world..

You may  Say "O Shaykhs of Qadiri-Boushishi Tariqah, intercede  for me and my Dua”. I call on you as your Mureed said you are KAREEM" (and you may give my name if you want to in the Dua) this is done after you have sent them Thawab of Dhikr or Ya-sin, or anything you’ve read example a good thing is to send  100 Surah Fatiha and 3 Ikhlas Shareef.  You may do this very day and especially on Thursday Nights. And read the names as above of the Shaykhs or the full names of all the Shaykhs are on the Isnad are below.Just to Read the Names of all my Shaykhs in your House Loudly will scare the Jinns and bring Blessings into your House.  This is found in Islamic Tradition that the Names of the Pious ones, sends blessings down into that Place. Its not something I’m making up but its in Islamic traditions as well.

I once lost my cars and was using the spares for two days, then in my grief I said the names of my Shaykhs loudly in my house and said to help me in returning my keys to me. A few moments late my little brother put them in my hand saying dad mistakenly took them.

You can send all the thawab to he Shaykhs, or just on Thursday night, this is when the Souls are sent from Heavens to earth. So if you do this and read the Isnad you’ll see much barakah from it.  If one is having problems read some Dhikr or salawat ala rasul and time and read out the isnad and ask by it and with and remember to start with salawat al rasul and end with it.  

Isnad of my Tariqah

Note:- know even in your Fard pray you MUST send the Pious ones Salaam.. as it says ‘….As-salaamu alayna wa’ala ibadilla-his-saliheen- Peace be on us and all righteous slaves of Allah’ these are the Sufi masters. So how about when reading Dua,? Should we call upon them too, yes because we taught to given them salaam in our prays.More references belowwww.sunnah.org/aqida/madad.htm

http://www.sunnah.org/publication/encyclopedia/html/tawassul.htm Ethal At Thawaab   and Ihda' - Donating the reward of Qur'anTo put simply, Esal e Sawab is nothing other than to ask Allah for the forgiveness of our sins, and to raise the spiritual status of the deceased.  This may be achieved through various practices, such as the offering of du'as [supplications], to recite the Qur'an, to offer Qurbani [at Eid al Adha], and also, to perform a compulsory Hajj [fard] on the behalf of the deceased.

As this chapter will seek to demonstrate, Insh Allah, by using the Qur'an and the Sunnah as evidence, and by examining the fatwawa's of the scholars of Islam, we shall indeed discover that this is not an innovative practice [bid'a], but something that has been practiced by Muslims throughout the centuries, and secondly, which is permissible.

Evidence from the Qur'an
Allah (Almighty.) has ordered the Muslims (believers) that you pray for your parents as follows:
O' My Lord [Allah (Almighty.], have mercy on my parents like they have bought me up through my childhood.
(Surah Isra, Verse 24)
Allah (Almighty.) has praised those Muslims who ask for forgiveness of the deceased. They ask for forgiveness iin the following manner:

O' Allah (Almighty.) forgive us and forgive our Muslim brothers and sisters who have passed away.
(Surah Hashir, Verse 10)

The above mentioned verses demonstrate that if anyone prays on behalf of another person, the latter will receive the [spiritual] benefits - Allah Willing.  This also demonstrates that if it was the wrong action Allah would not have ordered us to pray for other people, nor would He have stated that those who ask for forgiveness for the deceased, receive praises from Allah.

Evidence from the Sunnah
Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim write that:
 A man came to the Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] and said 'My mother has suddenly died and she did not leave  any will, but I suspect that if she did that then she would have told me to give something to charity. Now if I offer something in charity on her behalf, will she  get the reward?'Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] said 'Yes'.  Then the man said that I make you, the Prophet, as my witness, that I offer my garden full of fruits to charity.
(Bukhari Muslim, Chapter Al-Wasiha)

This hadith, as can be clearly read, proves that to offer a charity on behalf of the deceased will result in the deceased obtainig a benefit.

Imam Bukhari writes that:
Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] has said, The status of the deceased is raised(during their time in the grave), and the deceased ask Allah (Almighty.) why has this happened, Allah (Almighty.) replies that your son has prayed for your forgiveness.   (Al-Adab, Al-Mufid Chapter Excellency of the Parents by Imam Bukhari)

From this particular hadith, it can be understood that not only charity, but the offering of prayers (making duas) and the giving of alms, will also benefit the deceased.

After providing evidence from the primary and secondary sources, we shall now move onto the evidences provided by some of the scholars on this topic.

Ibn Taymiyyah writes:
From the authentic Hadith, there is evidence pointing out that the deceased person will gain rewards from all the good deeds carried out on his/her behalf by others.  Some people raise the objection that a person can only gain reward from their own actions, and refer to the Qur'an [for evidence]. This is not correct.  Firstly, because a Muslim recieves the reward of those deeds that he /she has never done themselves [for example]: like Allah says in the Qur'an that the Angels of the Throne of Allah, glorify Allah and ask for forgiveness on behalf of all the Muslims.  It is also evident from the Qur'an: [that] Allah (The Almighty) ordered Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] to pray for his Ummah, since his du'a is the peace of mind for the Ummah. In the same way the d'ua is offered in the funeral prayer, also when visiting the grave and offering d'ua for the deceased.

Secondly, we know that Allah (Almighty.) rewards us through the deeds of other people, which are  carried out on our behalf.   An example is where the Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless him and grant him peace] said "Whenever a Muslim prays for other Muslims, Allah (Almighty.) appoints an Angel to say Amin", i.e., the angel asks Allah (Almighty.) for the acceptance of the prayer. Sometimes Allah (Almighty.) blesses the participants of the funeral prayer in response to the prayer from the deceased and vice versa.
(Mujmua Al-Fatawa vol:7, page 500 & vol:24, page 367) Published by Ibn-e-Taymiyyah in Saudi Arabia

Ibn Qayyam writes:-
"If a Muslim recites Qur'an, performs Hajj, offers du'a, gives in charity on the behalf of the deceased, then the deceased gets the benefits of it. Some innovators say that the deceased do not get any such reward, which is wrong according to the authentic Hadith. The proof is in the Qur'an that Allah (Almighty.) has praised those who ask for forgiveness for their Muslim brothers. Authentic Hadith proves that Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless him and grant him peace] replied to a question saying that to offer alms on behalf of a deceased person earns benefit. Some individuals suspect that the earlier Muslims did not do Esal-e-Sawab. This is because of their own ignorance or lack of knowledge. The earlier Muslims did not do these to show off. The Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless him and grant him peace] himself gave permission to offer Alms, so it is right to say that Esal-e-Sawab is right.   The ayah in the Qur'an which states that only the own deeds are rewarded, means that he is righteous to get rewarded, which means that he is righteous to receive reward, but a present from someone else is also rewarded to the deceased by Allah (Almighty.).
(Kitab-ur-Rooh; by Ibn-ul-Qayyam Chapter 16)
Qadi Shawkani writes:

According to the Sunni faith, a deceased receives rewards from others praying, performing Hajj, offering Alms, but the "Mutazala"  refuse to accept this. if it is wrong to offer these to the deceased, then Islam would not have allowed us to say "Salaam" (peace be to you) to the deceased when visiting or entering the graveyards.   (Nal-Al-Autar, chapter: Janaiz by Qadi Shawkani).

These above references prove our argument for Esal-e-Swab and that the suspicion that people harbour in that it has no basis in either the Qur'an or the Sunnah, is not true.
Origins and Development

The origin of Esal-e-Swab is in the Qur'an but it is carried out in different manner in different communities. For example, to preach Islam to invite others to the Deen is proven but the methods are different for different situations. For example Islamic circles are held on Saturday's or Sunday's some but it is not mentioned in the Qur'an or Hadith that they should be held on these evenings. In the same way, the origin of Esal-e-Swab is in the Qur'an and Hadith and to call it an innovation is not right.  Now we will discuss a few things concerning with Esal-e-Swab to which according to some people are, innovations

1) When a person dies, Muslims offer Alms, "Sadaqa", on his behalf and pray in congregation. In these gatherings Islamic teachings are preached; This serves as a way to preach or spread Islam.Through these gatherings, the deceased receive benefit because Muslims pray for his/her fogiveness and others get knowledge of Islam. The poor get benefit from these Alms or charity. As you can see if you look at it from any angle, it is not an innovation.

2) Some people raise the question that a day should not be fixed for this, in that fixing such a day is "Haram" in Islam. The answer to this question is that "fixing a day" is Haram, Esal e sawaab will be haraam if it is said that outside of this day it will not be Esal-e-Sawab, (like Qurbani, Hajj and Salaah times are fixed), but Esal-e-Sawab on a fixed day is just for convenience of relatives and friends for "Du'a". Like any Islamic conference, the date of it is fixed in advance. Alternatively, like Salaah "Jamat" time is unlike fixed. No one can become an innovator because of this. in the same way, to fix a day for "Du'a" for the deceased is not an innovation.

Section:- b) Excerpt from- Donation of the reward of Qur'an-recital to the dead (ihda' thawab al-qur'an ila al-mayyit):  

......Ahmad ibn Hanbal say, 'Whenever you enter a cemetary, recite the Opening Chapter of the Book, the Two Refuge-taking Chapters, and [the chapter which begins] {Say: He is God, the One}. Make the reward of all this over to the people of the cemetary, for it will reach them.'" Narrated by `Abd al-Haqq ibn al-Kharrat al-Ishbili (d. 582) in his book al-`Aqiba, also by al-Muhibb al-Tabari and Suyuti in Sharh al-sudur (p. 312). See also Ghazali's Ihya, book of "The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife," trans. T.J. Winter [`Abd al-Hakim Murad] (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1989) p. 117.

The Prophet said: "Recite Ya Seen [Qur'an 36] over your dead."
 Allah Mighty and Majestic has informed us that the angels ask forgiveness for believers, as He says: "The angels glorify their Lord with praise and ask forgiveness for those on earth" (42:5)

and He praises believers who ask forgiveness for their brethren, by saying: "...And those who come after them say, 'Lord, forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in faith'" (59:10).
In addition to all the above the supplication for the dead is established in sound hadith, especially in salat al-janaza, and the Salaf transmitted it, and the Khalaf agreed upon it, and if there was no benefit in it for the dead it would be in vain, whereas many verses of the Qur'an comprise invocation for the dead such as: "O my Lord! grant them mercy as they raised me when I was young" (17:24), "O my Lord! forgive me and my parents and whomever enters my house a believer, and all believers males and female" (71:28), "O our Lord! forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith" (59:10). It is related from Sa`d ibn `Ubada that he said: "O Messenger of Allah! Umm Sa`d -- in Nasa'i: my mother -- died, what iis the best donation (sadaqa) [on her behalf]?" The Prophet replied: "Water." Sa`d dug a well and said: "This is for Umm Sa`d." Abu Dawud and al-Nasa'i [with a sound chain] narrated it [also Ibn Majah and Ahmad with a sound chain]...

Those who object cite the verse: "Man can have nothing but what he strives for" (53:39) and the hadith: "When a human being dies his work ceases, except for three things: an ongoing sadaqa, knowledge of his from people derive benefit, and a righteous child of his who supplicates for him." [Muslim Tirmidhi, and others.]
Full article from http://www.sunnah.org/ibadaat/funerals.htm -

On The Frequency And Purpose Of The Return Of The  Dearly Departed Muslim SoulsTo Their Late Residence, the  article is at: http://www.ahlesunnat.net/ursea/RAZA_ALAHADRAT_fatawa.htm


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